You Know You’re Restricting If…

  1. You’re constantly thinking about when and what you’re going to eat next.
  2. Having set mealtimes (or veering from set mealtimes) stresses you out.
  3. You don’t love having food prepared for you (i.e. you feel most comfortable when you’re in control of what’s going onto your plate).
  4. Certain foods are rewards, when you’ve been “good” or lost weight.
  5. Your orders at restaurants involve two or more substitutions/alterations.
  6. You have dreams (or nightmares) about food or “slipping” when you’re fast asleep.
  7. You regularly decline dinner invitations, because you’re not sure what you’ll be able to eat.
  8. Fruit is a “free” food.
  9. You use a scale or measuring cup when serving yourself.
  10. Thanksgiving scares the shit out of you.