LESSON ONE: Stop Trying So Hard

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of.  You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”  – Albert Camus

Albert Camus knows what’s up. And if he knew what emotional eating was, I’m sure he would tell you that spending ALL OF YOUR TIME obsessing about how to stop doing it is the fastest way to never get there.

Stop trying so hard. Okay, I’m going to say it again. STOP TRYING SO HARD.

My brilliant friend Alison Liepzig said it perfectly: “If you feel constricted, if you feel like you are holding on so tightly to rules that aren’t serving you, it’s time to loosen the reins.”

“Trying” or “Should-ing” around food can be dizzying and propel us into obsession pretty quickly. It is actually relaxing around your “food issue” that will let you break free of it – not clenching tighter, not “figuring it out,” and certainly not judging your performance.

Today I DARE YOU to drop the effort. Break a rule. Skip the gym. Have a second piece.

Just let it go. Whatever that means for you today.