Diet Mentality & Amnesia

The most common side effect of diet-mentality or poor body image is Amnesia. 

In the midst of our emotional discomfort when difficult body-related feelings strike,

the pain of dieting or restriction—and our firm resolve never to diet again—suddenly vanishes from our memory

…as if dieting was never a problem
…as if “this time will be different”
…as if “only” cutting out sugar never hurt
…as if dieting didn’t eventually lead to All Hell Breaking Loose Every. Single. Time.

These bouts of Amnesia usually last as long as the mind and body can maintain another attempt at control—

before they’re brutally disrupted by binges, anxious episodes, obsessive thoughts, or some other symptom of “craziness” around food.  

“Oh yeah,” she says. 

“I forgot.”

“I’m actually not capable of dieting safely for very long…it’s only a matter of time before the shoe drops…before the wild beasts within me take over…”

“On my knees…desperate for help…I remember now.”

To learn more about How To Stop Binge Eating for good, make sure to check out this important post.