Binge Eating & the Chinese Finger Trap

Sometimes, we’re just “in it,”

that place where no matter what we hear, read or do,
we just can’t seem to talk ourselves down from “feeling crazy,”
around food, around body-image, or whatever the case may be.

Anxiety, neurosis, or plain old desperation to escape—takes over,

and it feels impossible to accept, 
impossible to be present,  
impossible to let go.

We’re “in it”
and in this moment,
we can’t seem to see the forest through the trees.

Our natural instinct in these moments, is to fight harderto pull even more tightly on the Chinese Finger Trap—getting more and more stuck the more desperately we try to escape our discomfort. 

But there is another option—the highly counter-intuitive option—of fully owning and being with whatever experience you’re going through today,

Like, “Yup, I’m in it!”

“Yup, today is hard with food!”
“Yup, today I’m struggling with body image!”
“Yup, today I’m eating my feelings!”

And remind ourselves, that being “in it,” sometimes happens to humans. 

It will pass when it passes. Take a breath, and try not to pull the Chinese Finger Trap. 

To learn more about how to let go of diet-binge cycling patterns for good, make to read my ultimate guide: How To Stop Binge Eating here