There is No “Answer”


FYI Shit is about to get emo.

For the majority of my adult life, I’ve lived my life around food thinking to myself “I just need to find the answer.”  What will it be?  Is it Weight Watchers?  Overeaters Anonymous?  Intuitive Eating?  What IS IT ALREADY???? I”M READY TO BE THIN NOW THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

And then one day it occurred to me, “what if there is no answer?”  What if the “answer” is “no answer?”  What would that mean??  How would that inform my choices around food?

It would mean I’d never have to binge again, because something I’m doing with food isn’t working.  It would mean there are no mistakes.  It would mean every day I can wake up and make choices freely, to eat more or to eat less.  It would mean the search is over, and the pressure’s off.  It would mean I could relax knowing there is nothing wrong with me.

Maybe today I will fly by the seat of my pants.  Maybe today I will make no plans, but to love and nourish myself appropriately at any present moment (with food or without).