Those of you who know Geneen Roth, know my absolute favorite of her “eating guidelines…

“Eat with the intention of being seen by other people.” 

What she’s saying here is, 

no matter what you’re eating or how much,

own it. 


“If you’re gonna eat in front of the refrigerator, pull up a chair,” 

This is actually the ONLY one of Geneen’s “guidelines” that I believe actually separates “normal eaters” from emotional ones 100% of the time.

Normal eaters occasionally eat when they’re not hungry, or while standing up, or with the television on…

but they do not eat with shame. 

They don’t worry they’re doing something socially reprehensible when eating a certain way, and they certainly don’t feel embarrassed by what they’re eating — no matter what food or what amounts that may be. 

All too many of my clients feel self-conscious eating what they want in front of certain people (or any people). This is an almost certain precursor to binge eating…you know, eating cake, really fast, when nobody’s looking.

Binge-Eating is triggered by shame around food, more than any other emotional trigger. When we feel like we’re doing something wrong when we eat, we subconsciously tell ourselves “I shouldn’t be doing this…tomorrow the diet starts…better get it in now!”

Shame or judgement around food triggers fear of deprivation…even if we have no conscious plans to diet in the future. 

On the contrary, when we honor our choices with food — that is refuse to think we’re doing something “bad” — we reclaim our sanity and dignity around food.

You can only be a slave to something you think you shouldn’t be doing in the first place.