Throw Out Your Size 26 Jeans or Whatever…

(And those are actual bags of clothes I’m throwing out this year).

I used to have drawers filled with clothes that didn’t fit me. Jeans, shirts, dresses, you name it. I would diet, work-out, or some days just pray to God that one day each piece would fit me again, that one day, things would be thinner (I mean better).

“Tomorrow, life will be great. Today, I’m just waiting around for tomorrow.”

Do you get it? Why this is a problem?

Every day you wish you were thinner than you are, is a day you’re not really living. (Tweet that shit)

And if you have articles of clothing in your bedroom that encourage this mentality, BURN THEM. Or give them to a Goodwill.

On a secondary note, every day you deny yourself of what you really want, because you’re not “thin enough,” is likely a day you’ll eat mass quantities of Macaroni and Cheese for no reason. SO FOR GOD’S SAKES GO ON THAT OKC DATE YOU’VE BEEN AVOIDING.

And I get it, Sometimes You Just Have a FAT Day…